MEJ Leads AI

Today, we will delve into Leads AI, a significant project, and explore its overview and functionality. For new users, the registration process involves clicking on the “register” button entering a username, email address, and password, and confirming the password.

Upon registration, users gain access to the dashboard. For existing users, logging in requires entering the email and password and clicking on the login button to access the dashboard. Upon logging in, the dashboard is displayed, featuring the brand name, a search icon, a user profile, a messenger, notifications, and a language changer. The sidebar contains various elements and overviews, providing a comprehensive view of the platform.

The dashboard presents an array of information, including the number of clients, users, total deals, generated invoices, payment overviews, recent and modified deals, calendar, deals by stage, and overdue payments. Additionally, it displays the storage limit of the site.

The top bar features the brand name, search icon, and user profile, where personal information can be viewed and avatars can be uploaded. Users can also change their password through the profile settings. The platform includes a messenger for internal staff communication, a notification center, and a language setup. Furthermore, users can utilize the search function to find specific elements within the platform.

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